All About Me!

Hello again! I’m Alex and I am a preschool teacher in a small, rural, public school in New Jersey. I love what I do, but I can honestly say I never thought I would be a preschool teacher. I started in my district as a 5th grade language arts teacher, a very different world from the little ones I now have. As the year ended (2018-2019) the administration team pulled me aside and asked my thoughts on preschool because I was certified and they were expanding the program. As a first year teacher, fresh out of school, and moving into my first house, I said that I “LOVED” the idea. Deep down I was panicking! I spent the whole summer reading articles, watching webinars, and countless hours on Pinterest. My first year in preschool was hard, and then the pandemic hit and it only seemed to get harder. Oddly enough the pandemic allowed me the time I needed to evaluate how my year was going and all the things I needed to do differently the next year. Even though my second year in preschool was still far from normal, virtual learning, hybrid learning, half days, and full days, the changes and reset I made over the summer changed my whole outlook on preschool teaching. Now in my third year of preschool, I LOVE (and this time I mean it) what I do. I want to share some of my ideas, thoughts, struggles, and creations with you. I read so many thoughts and ideas while trying to find my way in the education world that maybe I can do the same for someone.

At Home…

Now that you know my professional life let me fill you in on my home life. I am recently married to my high school sweetheart (2021), a new homeowner (2021), and crazy obsessed with my chocolate Labrador Retriever named Valerie. I live on a river and love the summer months because they are filled with boating, paddle boarding, swimming, and relaxing on the beach.

puppy Val
boating fun